Monday, February 19, 2007

Why Britney Shaved Her Head!

Britney Spears did not shave her head because she was symbolically reborn and starting fresh. Britney is not making a dramatic musical shift inspired by Sinead, embracing feminism and singing angry and intense songs instead of the mainstream garbage she put out in the past. Britney is not becoming a Buddhist monk. Britney is not undergoing cancer treatment.
The real reason Britney shaved her head according to informed sources is that she had head lice - much like Sigourney Weaver in Aliens. Due to excessive partying, rubbing up with the likes of anyone who could stand hanging with her and being malnourished -she contracted the Pediculus humanus capitis and the best way to rid yourself of these little buggers is to rid yourself of your hair. The other theory is that she has a staring role in the next season of Prison Break.

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