Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day!

Ok...I really messed things up for Valentine's Day - I never plan ahead and was going to get my wife something for Valentine's Day yesterday after work, however, we were hit with 12 plus inches of snow and it wasn't safe to drive the 10 miles I needed to go to pick up her gift. So, she gave me a very nice and unique gift this morning and I have done nothing yet. I am in the dog house on this as I could have picked up her gift over the weekend. What should i do? Will chocolate and flowers suffice until I can get her gift tomorrow (she already stated that she doesn't want me to drive the 10 miles today as the roads are still bad)? Perhaps she will forget all about it as LOST is on tonight!!! Maybe make her dinner? Any suggestions? Does Valentine's Day really matter to women? It's not like I messed up our anniversary.

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