Thursday, February 22, 2007


What's up with global warming? I took a daily poll today and 60% of participants think that global warming is a farce. Many people believe that Al Gore's movie, An Inconvenient Truth is more fiction than truth based on inconclusive data. With the world population now an estimated 6,525,170,264, and over 600 million cars in the world notwithstanding the long list of other ways carbon dioxide is emitted into the atmosphere, it seems that we humans may have some impact on our environment.

Burning One Gallon of Gasoline Generates 22 Pounds of Carbon Dioxide

Are we naturally so arrogant that we can't admit that we are responsible for climate change and the thought of giving up our SUVs is too much to ask even if it is for the sake of our children's future? Or is Michael Crichton's book State of Fear, correct in stating that the science behind climate change is ultimately pseudoscience, or is his book the work of fiction as it is listed? More Europeans seems to understand the impact we are having on the environment. Are most Americans in denial? How do you feel about this issue? Should we sit back and wait to see how things pan out or should each and every one of us start conserving?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting debate on issues at: