Maybe just one good thought is all it takes to change the world.
Do you have believe in the power of intention or that prayer can influence the outcome of a situation? Have you ever used your intention to create your reality? I believe we all do this every day in our personal lives and on larger scales when we congregate and work together for one cause. The collective consciousness if you will is a conglomerate of our true intentions as a human race. Is it possible to make real changes if enough individuals focus on the same intention? Can we create The Hundredth Monkey Effect?
I just learned today that Lynne McTaggart is conducting intention experiments on the internet. The next experiment is set for July 7th at 5pm GTM and I believe this is 1pm Eastern Daylight-Savings Time. Check her website out at The Intention Experiment.
What we are capable of is only limited by our imagination...
My intention focus right now is on my daughter and her health. She is 8 years old and is a wonderful and very kind hearted kid who happens to have diabetes. She has had it since she was 18 months old and tomorrow her diabetes treatment will change from 4 shots a day to the diabetes pump. This means that she will no longer need shots and her blood sugar levels should be better regulated. We are all excited to make this change as it will allow her more freedom in her life and will lessen possible complications with diabetes later in her life. She is such a courageous kid and I am a proud parent. I wish her an easy transition to the pump.
hope all went well w/ your daughter's switch to the pump - no more jabs! and more freedom for her....good vibes out & up for you & your fam
I do believe thoughts have the power to affect our reality!
Thanks for visiting my blog. We are indeed still taking spirulina, though we have dropped the kombucha. I think the best way to ingest it is to blend it up in a smoothie, preferably with lots of fruit to mask the odd taste it can have (it smells a bit off as well - a bit...swampy?), but I've definitely noticed an increase in energy since I started taking it. It also seems to function as a bit of an appetite suppressant.
I wish your daughter much luck with the pump! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.
I do believe in the power of prayer. There have been studies where patients were prayed for without knowing it and a control group. Those who were prayed for had a much higher recovery rate. I am sending a prayer to your daughter.
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